Guernsey is preparing to remove all testing and self-isolation requirements for visitors from the UK and other parts of the British Isles.
The changes, which also apply to Alderney, Sark and Herm, will come into effect from July 1st.
Confirmation is based on the current progress being made with the islands’ vaccination programme which, like the UK, is progressing quickly.
Guernsey expects to have all of its adult population vaccinated with at least one dose, and the most vulnerable with two doses, by this date.
The destination will then move to a ‘traffic light’ system for travel rules which closely aligns to the wider UK rules.
For visitors whose country of origin is the UK, or elsewhere within the Common Travel Area, there will be no testing or self-isolation requirement when they arrive in Guernsey.
This includes UK visitors who have not had a Covid-19 vaccine.
Chief minister of Guernsey, deputy Peter Ferbrache, said: “Islanders have worked together fantastically since our first Covid-19 case in spring 2020, and thanks to them we have avoided some of the worst effects of the pandemic compared with many other parts of the world.
“But it’s still been challenging, and one of the hardest parts is how we have had to restrict travel meaning many island residents have been separated from family and friends, and we have not been able to welcome the many visitors who normally come to our shores for holidays and business each year.
“It’s a part of Island life that’s been on hold, but finally we’re near the point we can un-pause and reconnect with the rest of the British Isles and the rest of the world.”